Friday, August 24, 2012

They gave me homework already!!

First week of the new fall semester is over and I already have homework!! The line up this time around is 8:30am to 9:45-Public Speaking...hour break then 11am to 2:20-Geology. What happened to first day being "hi my name is blah blah blah and lets talk about the syllabus then leave? Nope. Not this time kiddies. In fact I have 2 chapters to read over the weekend for PS-BS and 3 for the Rocks 101. Normally gen-eds are the blow off classes everyone HAS to take to get which ever degree they're seeking and you usually take all those first. Not this girl..this of course was due to the fact that I switched majors half-way through and then time frame options per semester. So here I am...and frankly one of these classes scares me to death. No it's not Rocks 101...
Public Speaking...the class I've been dreading this whole time and the one I've danced around on my schedule hoping it would just go away. I realize everyone gets nervous, in fact that was the topic of discussion Thurs., but that doesn't make me feel any better. The last time I did anything like this was a summer course in eighth grade or something. The minute I'm put on the spot I turn red, sweat profusely, and then stutter. I don't stutter in normal everyday conversations unless I get really excited and my brain is out running my NOT normal. Another thing that is totally off for me is I'm sitting in the front row and dead center in this class! Why? I'm the person who likes to sit toward the back or against the wall so I can face pretty much everyone. I hate sitting up front. The reason? I was walking down the hall looking for my class number and who do I see when I get there? A fellow HVAC student named Terry. I've had classes with this guy for at least 3 semesters and he's a familiar face. The drawback...he's an older guy and has trouble seeing the board so he sits in the front. So I negate one comfort zone so I can sit next to another. To say the least, it's very awkward for me and also a first. Panther, Oscelot and my mom think it's good cause then I can just ignore everyone else behind me...that sounds good until you have to go to the front and face them.
So the first speech, due on Sept 4th, is supposed to be an introduction speech. Introduce yourself for 2-3 mins. Well that should be easy enough, right?!  Except all I can get out right now is "My name is Tiger............................duh.    I think I need some work :)
Rocks 101 despite the work load is like my breathe easy class. The first day I made a beeline for the back (like usual) then noticed that I would be at a lab table by myself if I did that. So I moved up to the next table. Next to me was this short mousy blonde girl and diagonally from me is another girl with glasses. The next thing I know blonde girl looks at me and glasses girl, picks up her stuff and moves to a new table with some geeky looking guys. Glasses girl arches an eyebrow at me, cracks a smile and holds out her hand "Hi, I'm Randi".  To which I reply while pretending to smell my armpit "Hey I'm Tiger and I'm pretty sure I don't smell that bad!" She laughs and says "What was that all about?"  I shrug and say "We must not look like the cool kids who know a lot."  Eventually we get two more guys who sit at our table and everything seems pretty easy going. Thursday was even more amusing when me and Randi realize that one of the guys who sat with us on Tuesday decided to switch tables..he is now sitting next to blonde girl. I make another crack to Randi about how our table must really suck and at this rate everyone will just be on the other side of the room sitting on each others laps.  This turn of events is actually good because the guy who stayed, whose name is Chris, knew one of the girls sitting by herself and invited her to join us. All of my table-mates are cool and it's easy to joke around with them while still getting our lab work done. Rocks 101 might not be a short class at 3 hours long but it might be the down time I need after PS-BS.  Yes, the work load seems a little intense for a beginning class but the atmosphere, at least at our table, makes up for it. Should make for an interesting semester. Stage fright followed by camaraderie, now that's a screwed up cocktail.

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