Thought I'd pop in and blog about what a weird month it's been. On the 16th I got a parking ticket! This is a slightly big deal for me. I'm 31 years old and the last ticket I had was when I was 18. Come on, I was 18 in New Orleans..and btw I never paid it. So either I have some random warrant in the state of Louisiana or the hurricane has totallly wiped that clear for me. That's not important.
We parked downtown so we could get out of the house and have a fun day for all three of us. This parking lot used to be free for all day use. Apparently I missed the memo, not to mention the tiny signs that proclaimed it a 2 hour lot. So we come beebopping back to the truck and I see that little yellow paper stuck under the windshield wiper.
"What the hell is this?"
Of course I then proceed to look around me as if the information genie is going to pop up and say 'hello friend you're mistaken, that can't be for you'....well it is and that's when I notice the tiny signs. Figures.
Yesterday was errand running day. I needed to go to the postoffice first. The parking lot can look fairly empty but everytime I go inside there is always a long line to stand in. I figure there are two reasons for this.
ONE: Everyone decides they will carpool. That means for every car in the parking lot there must be 3 or more people inside that all rode together. If that is the case then by all means they should have at least 2 or more packages that need to go over seas, have tracking, insurance or any number of add-ons that you could possibly get for a package.
TWO: If there are 7 service windows then only two people are working the counter. The other 5 people must have car pooled to lunch. Most likely though, they are on uncoordinated breaks, this IS a government run facility. (I am not knocking the government hardcore, I just find it silly. Besides my dad works for the government, which is why I find it so silly)
The customers in line with me however never find these things amusing or silly. If they aren't looking put out then there are always the comments "why can't they get more people to run these desks?" "Why can't so and so write her label correctly the first time?" "Why can't he buy his stamps at the kiosk out in the lobby?" Always with the whining..well let's think. Maybe the others are on break or it's their day off (it's thursday anyway, do you need a full staff during the week?)...maybe she didn't realize that she needed tracking on her package and now has to re-write it....maybe he only has cash for stamps, the little machine only takes plastic (I've looked). Who cares!? Whining about it or making the sour face is NOT going to get you up to the front faster.
The next thing on the list was go pay the utility bill. Usually I drop it off the night before but I forgot. That means I actually have to go inside to pay. This was new for me. Surprise! More people inside than out. I had to take a little number, like the ones you pull off at the DMV and then pick a space of wall to lean against. Just like the DMV there are approximately 5 chairs for a dozen people. Surprise Again! There are about 6 service windows and only 2 tellers. Hmm maybe they also rode with the postal workers to lunch. Super Surprise!! The older gentleman who came in behind me (I'm about 5 tickets away from being called) starts whining and bitching about the lack of employees. Really? must you? Maybe he shouldn't have forgotten to turn his bill in the night before..or even better, bought stamps with his credit card and mailed it five days ago, that would have been waaay faster. I'm secrectly amused of course because all I can hear in my head is my dad saying "Some people would bitch if you hung them with a new rope" I love you dad!
Last on the agenda for errands was pay that stupid parking ticket!
Way more cars in the parking lot, I guess no one wants to carpool to court lol! I'm ready for security to check me out at the metal detector..he looks like he's missed the carpool to lunch, yikes! Time to stand briefly against the wall again. The only chair is occupied by a very pregnant woman who looks like she might pass out or give birth any second. Finally at the window I hand over my little ticket. The cashier can't find me in the ticket file behind her. She then goes and checks another file box, no dice. Looking annoyed she looks me up on the computer, Bingo! Now I have to sign a piece of paper that states that I'm pleading Guilty and paying the fine. I'm thinking to myself 'how would someone go about pleading Not Guilty to a parking ticket?' While I'm doing this SURPRISE! someone behind me is obviously mad that I'm taking too long or that there is only one open cashier...give it a rest people, seriously. SO I s l o w l y put my reciept back in my wallet, pause and wish the girl a good day and then leave.
Pause today and take a deep breath...some things matter and the rest..well they don't ( and if you didn't give yourself enough time to run your errands quit bitching, it's your fault!)
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